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The End of Education: Redefining the Value of School

by Neil Postman


The faith is that despite some of the more debilitating teachings of culture itself, something can be done in school that will alter the lenses through which one sees the world; which is to say, that non-triviial schooling can provide a point of view from which what is can be seen clearly, what was as a livdng present, and what will be as filled with possibility.

What this means is that at its best, schooling can be about how to make a life, which is quite different from how to make a living.

Page x.

The Necessity of Gods

Nietzsche: “He who has a why to live can bear with almost any how.”

“With some reservations but mostly with conviction, I use the word narrative as a synonym for god, with a small g.”

Page 4.

Cultural pluralism entered some schools beginning in the 1930s: “the history, literature, and traditions of different immigrant groups were included as part of the great tale of the American Creed.” This:

  1. “provided a fuller and more accurate picture of American culture and, especially, its history [. . .]  America was shown to be a composite culture from which, in principle, none were excluded.”
  2. at no point refuted the American Creed.  “Even the horrendous stories of the massacre of “native” Americans, slavery, and the exploitation of “coolie” labor could be told without condemning the ideals of democracy, the melting pot, or the Protestant ethic.  Indeed, such stories often served as an inspiration to purify the American Creed, to overcome prejudice, to redeem ourselves from the blighted parts of our history.”
  3. “was not intended to promote divisiveness among different groups.  The idea was to show that there were substance and richness in each tribal tale, and that we were better for knowing the gods of other people.”

Certain versions of what is now called “multiculturalism” reject all of these ideas and seriously threaten the future of public, as opposed to private, schools: “the idea of public education debends absolutely on the existence of shared narratives and the exclusion of narratives that lead to alienation and divisiveness.”

Public education does not serve a public; it creates a public.  “The question is, What kind of public does it create?”

Pages 16 to 18.

Some Gods That Fail

“The truth is that school cannot exist without some reason for its being, and in fact there are several gods our students are presently asked to serve.”  These include: