Melançon EnterprisesCommunication > 2003 > Investigate Bush regime’s revenge leak

Investigate Revenge Leak

Wherein I call on Ashcroft to investigate the White House’s outing of a CIA agent in revenge for her husband pointing out that Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction in Niger and Iraq.  The investigation should begin by Ashcroft recusing himself.

This set of e-mail protest done through

2003 October 3

(my personal note)

Exposing Joseph Wilson's wife as a Central Intelligence Agency undercover employee was an act of revenge against Wilson for his stating that the Bush administration ignored his report in order to give a false reason for attacking Iraq.  President Bush and others at the White House knew this crime occurred for months before the political pressure became enough to launch an investigation.  Now the investigators under the Justice Department have explicitly given the White House a day to destroy files.

(their form letter)


TO: Attorney General John Ashcroft
CC: (Your Representatives in Congress)
FROM: (Your Name and Email)
SUBJECT: Appoint a Special Prosecutor

Dear Attorney General Ashcroft,

(Your personal note)

If White House operatives released the name of an undercover agent in order to smear a political opponent, it would be a crime of the highest order. We need a full and fair investigation without the appearance of a major conflict of interest.

In 1997, you said that "A single allegation can be most worthy of a special prosecutor. If you're abusing government property, if you're abusing your status in office, it can be a single fact that makes the difference on that." Given your ties to the White House, I believe that you must recuse yourself from this investigation and appoint a special prosecutor to find out what happened. It's critical for our national security and the integrity of our government that we get to the bottom of this.


(your name)
(your address)