Melançon EnterprisesCommunication > 2003 > Publicize the Anti-War March

Push the Peace Protest

MoveOn Must Make Mass March Known to its Millions

2003 October 21

MoveOn should let everyone know about the peace protest coming this Saturday in Washington D.C. as the first step in changing the political climate for the November 2004 election.  I think putting bodies on the ground now is even more important than money on the airwaves in November.

MoveOn should right now help let the again bare majority of U.S. citizens opposed to the war on Iraq know they are not alone.

Everyone on the MoveOn list should be alerted to the first major peace protest since the war on Iraq began, this Saturday, October 25, gather 11 a.m. at the Washington Monument.

Bring the troops home now
End the occupation of Iraq
Money for jobs, education & healthcare - Not war

Sponsored by United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ, and the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism,

Logistics -- buses from cities and towns all over the United States -- are being handled by ANSWER at

I'm not affiliated with either organization, but I hope MoveOn will let its subscribers know about this important event before it happens and can even go if they haven't already made plans this weekend!

Thank you,

Benjamin Melançon
- Benjamin Melançon, (October 21, 2003; Natick, MA)

At the end of the day on the 22nd this was buried below more recent comments, some duplicates, and no one had commented on it.  There were a couple of people agreeing with a later post by someone simply announcing the time and place of the protest.

Other Groups Should Also Publicize the Anti-War March

I sent a similar letter to Common Dreams.  No reply.

I posted the event at IndyMedia Boston and asked them if they could put it in the central column.  An editor there replied politely that only IndyMedia events generally were listed there.