Organizations and Groups
Social Justice
Global Exchange is a human rights organization dedicated to promoting environmental, political, and social justice around the world.
Latin America Working Group provides updates
Kensington Welfare Rights Union of Pennsylvania mobilizes poor people and others on behalf of the poor.
Civil Rights
Human Rights Watch is on everyones case. Excellent.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has the virtue of continuing to exist, and even finding the time to do things like launch a class action lawsuit against the state of Florida for denying citizens an equal right to vote.
Fannie Lou Hamer Project, founded 1999, connects the history of earlier voting and civil rights struggles to the ongoing struggle for campaign finance reform and seeks to serve as a vehicle for traditional civil rights organizations and communities of color to engage in campaign finance reform initiatives.
National Organization for Women - self explanatory, no?
Environment and Animal Welfare
World Water Forum deals with the largest environmental problem facing the average human.
WWF (World Wildlife Federation), large and long-established, pushes for conservation and protection of species internationally.
Greenpeace: militant environmentalists with a web site (beware the random backgrounds).
Health, medicine, nutrition, medical care, environmental health factors
American Diabetes Association.
Breast Cancer Action focuses on the ignored and underfunded issue of the causes of breast cancer largely human-produced carcinogens and the need for prevention by removing the causes of cancer from our environment.
Politics offers news and opinion related to Restoring Citizen Authority Over Corporations.
Project On Government Oversight ( seeks to remedy systemic abuses of power, mismanagement, and subservience by the federal government to powerful special interests.
Center for Public Integrity keeps track of campaign donations.
World Socialism Movement - World Socialism/ Marxism/ Communism/ Politics/ Revolution/ Unions/ War/ Peace/ Capitalism/ Economics/ Environment/ Market/ Democracy/ Poverty/ Resources/ Future/ History
Pieman's Homepage - Global Pastry Uprising ("Happiness is a Cream Pie" a world leader's face).
Press and Media
Alliance for Community Media urges democratic media and has practical resources such as listings of free programming for, in particular, town access cable channels.
Media Reform works to bring about public policies that will produce a more competitive and public interest-oriented media system with a strong nonprofit and noncommercial sector. The have a big budget and lobbyists, but I believe theyre on the side of the people.
Media Access Project is a non-profit public-interest law firm fighting against concentration and for the right of people to receive and send diverse information.
Newspaper Association of America
National Association of Black Journalists resource page doesnt have much on-line.
Center for Media and Democracy, dedicated to investigative reporting on the public relations industry, publishes PR Watch and books about exactly how professionals spin the news for industry and how business manipulates public debate from behind the scenes.
Media Education Foundation, a nonprofit devoted to media research and production of educational resources fostering analytical media literacy, believing a media literate citizenry essential to a vibrant democracy. Sut Jhally is the driving force; his work is great and of great importance.
OneWorld strives to communicate the big picture of the worlds harsh realities, not just the lop-sided story available from the mainstream media with news, special reports, campaigns, and more from a variety of sources.
Arts and Culture
Adbusters Culture Jammers Headquarters is devoted to fighting advertising on its own turf, and they hope to topple existing power structures in the process.
Future of Music Coalition, fighting for sensible treatment of intellectual output.
The Center for Arts in Natick (TCAN) is an art gallery and performance space that give local people a venue and brings art to the community, such as some mighty fine jazz.
Schools and Education
Spelman College, Atlanta Georgia, a historically black college of excellence.
Labor Notes is the voice of union activists who want to put the movement back in the labor movement through rank and file democracy and solidarity.
Co-operatives and consumer groups
Co-op America: Practical steps for using your consumer and investor power for social change. Living your life as a part of society while being as just to other people and green to the earth as possible with the world set up as it is, and being an activist working to improve that world system more or less automatically.
Bring Them Home Now: the web presence of a very savvy activist group fighting to end the occupation of Iraq and bring the U.S. soldiers back. uses the Internet to empower people to take action on extreme poverty around the world.
Electronic Frontier Foundation: Defending Freedom in the Digital World.
Dirty Sole Society Home Page: the right to go barefoot.
Brit Tzedek v'Shalom, the Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace (in Israel and Palestine), is the right idea but lacks aggressiveness; at the least it should be attacking the credibility of the rabidly pro-right-wing-Isreali-government organizations that claim to speak for all American Jews (except those Jews accused of being anti-Semetic for not agreeing with them).
Jews Against The Occupation (JATO) is more aggressive in its protest against the separation (and confiscation) wall (2003) and the Israeli occupation of Palestine itself.