In loving, living memory, John Melançon 1928 – 2007
(This and other Free Press campaigns now headed by the notorious Megan Tady!)
I thought you might be interested in joining the campaign to provide millions of people in Massachusetts with high-speed Internet access.
Last August, legislation was created to provide $40 million to connect affordable high-speed Internet in Massachusetts. The build-out plan is still being developed and the Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI) is looking for ideas about how best to bring broadband to the unserved communities of Massachusetts.
Please visit the URL below to check out what's at stake and sign on to Free Press's principles to provide an open, affordable Internet for all of Massachusetts residents:
I wrote:
"The cable and phone companies had their chance. All the fiber optic core was subsidized, and the last mile connections to homes and businesses have been unreliable and very expensive. This crucial public infrastructure should be locally owned."