Benjamin Maurice Melançon the First, A.D.H.D. variously known as BMM Inc., the Maurice Institute Library, and the godfather of CATSUP, is quite possibly a figment of his own imagination.
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Bob Dylan

"Boom, boom, boom" is that guy's song-- he also did a "Sweet Home Chicago" a lot

Not as imposing as Taj Mahal but in that neighborhood

walks straight to this journalist
thought he was Bob Dylan

He said man, I had the coolest night in my life

Bob Dylan was just getting started

Early on Blacks resented this guy writing these songs– but they quickly

He went down

Martin Luther King Jr. was staging some kind of event

Dylan and some other musicians went down to [help] draw a bigger crowd

One Laptop Per Child

“Our strategic goal is all children should access to communications knowledge within a frame of equality.” -- President Tabaré Vázquez

1. President Tabaré Vázquez officially announced his and the country's intention to enter into OLPC and to provide every child in Uruguay with a laptop within two years.

Why isn't the United States part of this program yet? Why aren't we guaranteeing funding for the world?

The One Laptop Per Child group is a great example of what people who give a damn working together can do. Read the entire update e-mail from Walter Bender if you're strange like me and find inspiration and hope in the details:

Kingston Trio, Dad passing on new info

Dad saw a thing on the Kinsgton Trio

among the snippets of (unconfirmed) info

they made folk popular

they thoroughly enjoyed each other

Beach Boys
not only did they steal a song of theirs
stole the striped shirts

Police corruption

When I had the store, some people nearby were moving something. Slow day, a Sunday or something, the truck was a little bit in the road, they were careful to have it marked and someone there.

Police came and said you can't do that, you need a detail.

We were running a corrupt business [in Boston] and hiring cops to do details, come into the club and arrest people [we wanted out]

We were stealing money hand over fist through [not paying] taxes and so forth

Never being cited for being late closing

O.J. Simpson is white

O.J. Simpson is a guy who's been white his whole life. He turned black for the brief period of that trial.

[and it's on record]

In Saturday Night Fever the brother who is going to seminary comes back and says he doesn't want to be a priest.

Saturday Night Live did Saturday Night Samuri – Bellucci plays the main part, Samuri dancer. His brother is played by OJ Simpson– says I decided not to be black anymore

And I never thought of it until this Heisman winner broke Simpson's record on votes

Ski places lie


going from New York.

sign saying such-and-such many miles

"Ski places lie."

Every time I asked her about that, "Ski places lie."

She wasn't my girlfriend, she was just a friend. Someone else's girlfriend.

People [we knew from New York, women gathered around me where I stayed in the lodge while she was skiing.]

I said, I hope that doesn't bother you.

"Eat your heart out, turkeys. He's with me."

Yesterday Dad saw Second-hand Lions, a 2003 movie which I saw in theaters and rather liked also.


I remember touring Pompeii

I said the date was right after the destruction of Jerusalem

couple of Israeli girls
one said "of course! God punishing them!"

In another story, Dad tells of a member of the club, I think, trying to insult his comments on Pompeii by saying 'What do you know? Have you ever been there?' and Dad cuts him down when he said, 'Yes.'

Schenectady, upstate New York

place I had in upstate New York, [Schenectady (pr. Skenektaty)]

the Weavers played there

the next day they're on national television

a show

host said 'you like to sing'
she said 'Yeah, we were just playing in a little place in upstate New York'

I kept waiting for her to name the place!


I remember ages ago a Quaker girlfriend taking me on a train up there to visit her brother

told me this joke about a person making a collect call to Schenectady.

Operator asks him to spell it.

Lying to get a job

So I asked Dad how much he'd lied to get a job...

told them I was a short-order cook. At a breakfast place. I didn't know how to crack an egg. I had two buckets of eggs I didn't crack right.

He quietly paid me and told me to go home.

He had a black guy that worked there come in a little early– he was a whizz, in no time at all he had caught up

Star in a Cambridge bar

when I chose to leave
my friends in the Greek mafia

Apparently he spoke to Teddy for like two hours.

If the tips weren't right you found yourself a home somewhere else.

And every couple of weeks it seemed he was giving me a raise.

then came the springtime when as is my wont I went on a long, long vacation. Except I told him [simply that I was leaving]

I was a star with the customers too

half Harvard students and half neighborhood

a lot of law students from Harvard would come in late at night and sort of unwind

[after Dad got back]

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