In loving, living memory, John Melançon 1928 – 2007
I left the Dijon mustard, turmeric, and the lemon at G's, so I substituted Nathan's Original Coney Island Deli Style mustard as close enough, Jamaican curry powder (turmeric, foenugreek, coriander, cumin, anise, star anise, pepper, pimento, cloves, garlic), and a little bit of juice squeezed from both halves of a small grapefruit (which I subsequently ate with sugar).
On the one hand having transexual identity treated as disease can get operations covered, on the other it implies that some people need to be changed, fixed, to suit other people's definitions of sex. But one thing is certain, no one who cares wants control-mad reactionaries to be in charge of rewriting the medical definition of "Gender Identity Disorder"
In particular, I want to point out that there is a sordid history of using psychological evaluations and methods to discredit and detain people.
(Bold means done it!)
1. Drive/bike/walk around San Francisco
2. Drive/walk across Golden Gate
3. Drive across Bay Bridge (in taxi)
4. Go swimming at Strawberry Canyon (Berkeley)
5. Walk around Berkeley (from Ashby to downtown Berkeley, and around Berkeley campus)
6. North Beach
7. Chinatown & Oakland Chinatown
8. Brunch at Thai Buddhist Temple
9. Napa wineries
10. Visit a Marin town (such as Mill Valley)
Do Drupal to make dreams come true (in response to person before me, "use Drupal to make my dreams come true").
Contact Josh Wolf about collaborating on the open news network concept (person-to-person squared).
Contact Josh Wilson, David Cohn, others about quality, modular, e-mail mailing list software.
There are essentially an infinite number of good causes to contribute to, an infinite number of people to help, an infinite number of great records to listen to as well. The problem is finding them. Connecting. Feeling like you were successful and not missing something you really needed or wanted.
Forgiving the figurative use of the word infinite, this is again the role PWGD can and must fill.
canola oil
sesame oil
about 8 oz baby carrots, chopped rounds thin
large onion, cut relatively small
yellow squash
white wine
a little oregano
soy sauce
ginger powder
rasta rub
a little curry powder
... add everything in approximately that order to a large stirfrying pan or pot
Credentials (PhD etc.) is the rentier system applied to intellectual terrain. It kills innovation.
Thought the H&R Block site would start working – and stop losing data – after midnight. Apparently not.
See attached screenshot.
If I could submit the damn electronic form I would have owed $132 and probably gotten about the same back in a rebate.
I suppose I should keep trying, as they will not cancel out the amount due with the rebate, because that would make too much sense.