In loving, living memory, John Melançon 1928 – 2007
12 vote plug muscle power... volt even.
$800 for everything.
Average household uses 10,000 kwh electricity a year
The average cost per kWh of electricity is about 10 cents.
So, .01 cents per Watt-hour.
That's $0.1 per kWh
or $0.0001 per Watt-hour.
So $800 / $.0001 per watt-hour = the need to generate 8,000,000 watt-hours to pay this off.
I make a living doing web design and development with a great team
The Agaric Design Collective
I'm trying to make possible a worldwide nonviolent revolution for justice, liberty, and making more good things doable.
People Who Give a Damn
Reality does not care about your intuition.
— Uric Lanbe