In loving, living memory, John Melançon 1928 – 2007
The world didn't end today, but no Mayan ever (ever) said that it would. As Daniel Feder wrote: "Actual Mayans had other plans for today.... 6,000 EZLN members marching in complete silence into five Chiapas cities, in an action organized in secret that took the country by surprise."
Photo by Raul Vera. Marcha Zapatista, Ocosingo, Chiapas.
More detail from Narco News:
My girlfriend went to sleep so you all in the general world will have the remainder of my post-election musings foisted upon you.
Wars are not won buying ammunition from the enemy
Thirty-six, thirty-seven million dollars has a way of making a point. If we're lucky, one point will be that a thirty-million dollar advantage spent spreading slander and disinformation can only almost sway thirty percent of an electorate away from voting for what they want and believe.
It's not risk-taking if you don't calculate the odds.
If drugs were legal, my friend Andrew would not have died Sunday night.
This was not my first reaction. My first reaction was unfocused rage (which itself seems to be a coping method when faced with overwhelming sadness).
[Because i worked at a newspaper and part of what i did there was write obituaries, i've written one each for my grandmother and my father. I realize since starting this (and turning to an opinion piece instead) that it is not my place to write an obituary for Andrew, but instead to simply give testimony to the parts of his life it was my honor to be part of.]
"I don’t really do research in order to write. Finding out about things, figuring out the real story—what you call research—is part of life now for some of us. Mostly just to get over the indignity of living in a pool of propaganda, of being lied to all the time, if nothing else."
-- Arundhati Roy,
(hat tip to Shreya Sanghani)
I'd expect this news to be suppressed in China, but why isn't it bigger news here?
Plan? Plan!
Oh, and wine. Celebrating that is live!!!
Like its dictator-nailing subtitle, “Granito” often feels in its certitude like an inversion of vintage neoconservatism.
How to Nail a Dictator
Opens on Wednesday in Manhattan.
Directed by Pamela Yates; edited by Peter Kinoy; produced by Paco de Onís; released by Skylight Pictures. At the IFC Center, 323 Avenue of the Americas, at Third Street, Greenwich Village. In English and Spanish, with English subtitles. Running time: 1 hour 43 minutes. This film is not rated.