In loving, living memory, John Melançon 1928 – 2007
The successful among us are just more persistent at faking knowing what they are doing.
You only have to reach 99 people.
Well, once there are three million of us in the United States, and sixty million in the world. Us, in this case, meaning people who care enough about making things better to regularly, personally bring news and information about making things better to ninety-nine other people.
That is the larger us, because pretty much every person has something they would work to make better when given sufficient means, motive, and opportunity.
Reality does not care about your intuition.
Snow in October, I love it. Giant flakes, snowball sized, and accumulation on the grass.
Piles of furniture-sized items outside of some houses, especially the big houses at the end of Fisher street, as I walked Zelda really for the first time since return from Europe. Must be a pick-up day coming. So much stuff, so much waste.
There was a television being thrown out larger than any we've ever owned.
When every other possibility has been eliminated, whatever remains, however improbably, must be the truth:
The world is utterly insane.
People with a (relatively) intelligent opposition to equality, and how (not?) to respond.
There is a problem-- I do identify emotionally with the left, even if my very simple economic theory is the most minor logical extension of normal and basically right-wing classical and even neoclassical economics.
If I'm to talk persuasively to all those who place themselves as libertarian and conservative, I need to get out of that headspace a little. It really has nothing to do with the actual economic facts or even much with the moral standpoint.
Another rallying point for PWGD.
how individual Americans come to genuinely question authority on their own [...] remains a mystery to me. Apparently, each one arrives there by a different personal route. (Well, duh!) Just like I did.
But when we arrive, despite that there are many others like us, we find ourselves in relative isolation, even on the Internet which is supposed to be our great gathering ground.
Couldn't find paper in my semi-reorganized room to start a list of Need before India— er, Europe so here it is, digital-style: