Benjamin Maurice Melançon the First, A.D.H.D. variously known as BMM Inc., the Maurice Institute Library, and the godfather of CATSUP, is quite possibly a figment of his own imagination.
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Need balance

I want to run, I want to sleep, I want to work, I want to play, all at the same time.

Grandpa went to dinner without me because I was still sending the proposal that Dan had done and I was working on much of the weekend out to the rest of Agaric.

I need more sleep, I need more exercise, I need more family time, I need more friend time, I need to work more efficiently.


Weird rules followed for too long

Manda: So you're pagan today? :P

Benjamin Melançon
this morning i was! Now passover has started and i stuffed myself to eat the remaining bread (poor me, it was a loaf of garlic bread) before sundown

haha, poor you :P

Benjamin Melançon
i think i'll explain religion to my nephews as, you know how when your teacher makes a weird rule? well religion is when that weird rule has been followed by too many people for too long :-)

I think that's actually a perfect way to explain government

Reading White Oleander; to care and be strong? ...a little more at the link

Reading White Oleander, by Janet Fitch. Right in the middle now. Through to the end of Chapter 17, Astrid is at Claire's. (OK, it's official, I do not remember names. I just had to look up Astrid's.) It's been too long since I've read anything not online; read anything that is not politics or technology, Drupal.

It is good. It reminds me that I am moved by words, no by narrative, as much as anything. That I am made to care about the characters.

Power imbalance is inefficient

A couple quick thoughts relevant to ye old grande thesis which will be written, ten years after it could have had a useful impact on the world. (Nah, i'm kidding, if i have an underlying life philosophy it's that it is never too late.)

Here is the larger fact, which undergirds any other claims.
Power differences matter.

It's pretty weird to have to make this claim, but much of economic theory is based on imagining power differences away. This lunacy allows – or rather requires – F. A. Hayek to argue that a man in a hole is as free as a man outside.

Spicy concoction of all the vegetables that had to be cooked

OK, not all the vegetables. I put in two point one hot peppers and realized I had better stop, and start adding things to soak up the capsaicin.

Everything chopped on the big wooden cutting board with the big excellent knife that Dan and Shannon bought me for my birthday.

Carrots, baby small ones left and larger baby ones sliced. Not many carrots, really.

Venezuela & Building a New Society from Below talk with Julio Chavez, Noam Chomsky, and Michael Albert

Global Crisis of Capitalism -> Crisis of Representation
= Exhaustion of Political Parties, Older Leaderships, Neoliberal Policies
= New regional leaderships promote constituents (Chávez, Evo, Correa)

They are actually redrawing what they want their political boundaries to be.

in the future we hope the mayorships etc. will make space for this new proposal

the communal governments
the socialist

Wisdom is the ability to distinguish your business from what's none of your business.

Wisdom is the ability to distinguish your business from what's none of your business.

A community's water supply is the community's business, not Dannon's or Nestle's. Consensual sex is the business of the participants, not any religious body. Conversely, the living standards of the members of a society are that society's collective business. Of course it's not as simple as I'm trying to make it sound.

(I've called this "decisions should be made on the lowest level practical.")

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