In loving, living memory, John Melançon 1928 – 2007
(and, of course, a continuation of brutal repression of one brave person.)
Tweets also compiled and posted on Facebook:
Our desperately fearful government seeks to pile more punishment on a brave truthteller. Hit the streets.
Bradley Manning exposed war crimes – US military murders of reporters and first responders in Iraq – and faces a life sentence today.
Ben lives and works to connect ideas, resources, and people to help us all gain as much power possible over our own lives.
from Kanawha county.
Businessman facing home foreclosure commits suicide
Sponsor’s death shocks Little League community
if our media understood or allowed themselves to see context, this would be used to talk about the need for economic justice and institutional compassion for a solid week at minimum.
Originally via badly titled
The U.S. Postal Service is required to compete without government subsidies while serving a public purpose, and being denied (by legislators, not courts) the ability to compete with private industry in new areas. Perhaps because it succeeds, reactionaries are trying to kill it (and, with the aid of mass media that hasn't told much of this, succeeding).
While my mother was on Cape Cod taking care of my grandfather, hospitalized with what we believe to be an intensely painful compression fracture, she went home for a day of picking up mail and rest and found the neighbor had torn our fence down.
Fortunately she had left her dog with me at my grandfather's house.
We can be so certain it's the woman driving things, because we've seen her tear down the fence with her bare hands herself. Twice.
Pain under control, taking back in charge of every aspect of his life, we expect him to come home from rehab as early as next week-- and that's only so we can get a proper walker ordered, and the wheelchair ramp to the house (that was already planned before his fall) done.
From Kaveri:
Dear all, thanks for all the support, I'm fine. EWS quarters residents are not.
Now the EWS quarters have been almost completely demolished by BBMP via constant harassment and threats. Out in the cold, many have not slept for days as they have been harassed wherever they sit or move their meagre belongings, without any facility for food or water, while they have no funds to pay for the customary advance (safety deposit) required to be paid before renting even the lowest cost house in Bangalore, nor even to pay for a vehicle to move their belongings.
This morning Grandpa is lucid and *not* wanting to die.
Instead he is saying, "if they aren't doing anything for me, why do i have to stay around here?"
And: "I can afford a private nurse at home." (This is a very good attitude: as positive as he started out, and practical.)
15 minutes late on the pain medication-- nurse Wayne was waiting in vain for an increase in the dose.
"Why do they do this to me? Why don't they let me die?"
Finally gets the medicine at about 10:30am.
And the goddamn jerks saying he was refusing oral medication.
[Background: Walking to a gas station convenience store last Friday, on the way back from a trip, my grandfather tripped on a curb and fell, hitting his knees on the sidewalk and his head on the door. In the emergency room in Connecticut, pain not from the extremely painful immediate fall, but in his back and sides, began following (coincidentally or not) a tetanus shot, according to my mother, who was with him. That is the pain that has not abated. After i met him at the Sagamore bridge around 11pm Friday and brought him back to his home in Wellfleet, he held court until after 1am.
Knowing a person is in terrible pain, emotional or physical, and not being able to do anything about it, distresses me, as it does most people.
I am sitting in exam room 5 of Cape Cod Hospital in Hyannis, watching my grandfather bear with pain he says is worse than any broken rib or surgery he's had,, including for anyeurisms and a hernia. He has been in pain since two days ago, Friday, after a fall.