In loving, living memory, John Melançon 1928 – 2007
With the caveat of not trusting any polls too much, especially as the demographic slices get smaller...
Why Prop 8 Won, by Richard Kim
(This and other Free Press campaigns now headed by the notorious Megan Tady!)
I thought you might be interested in joining the campaign to provide millions of people in Massachusetts with high-speed Internet access.
Last August, legislation was created to provide $40 million to connect affordable high-speed Internet in Massachusetts. The build-out plan is still being developed and the Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI) is looking for ideas about how best to bring broadband to the unserved communities of Massachusetts.
Effective activism. Now he needs back-up.
Every time you move like that I have to go to Sunday mass.
The research suggests that even more important than the chance for one, two, or three voters to block a conviction or acquittal is the ability for one, two, or three jurors to force a more complete discussion of more aspects of the case.
That is, it seems that letting the "lone juror" (or jurors) have veto power on the whole proceeding doesn't usually end in an 11-1 vote with a unanimous requirement, but instead often leads other jurors to question their earlier conclusions.
Manda mentioned the use of that word as bigoted just the other day, and then I used it (in front of her) yesterday! I had never thought about it's etymology before, but hadn't thought it was a word I used much. It is a short, useful word, but...
gyp 1 |jip| informal
verb ( gypped, gypping) [ trans. ]
cheat or swindle (someone) : that's salesmanship, you have to gyp people into buying stuff they don't like.
noun (also gip)
an act of cheating; a swindle.
ORIGIN late 19th cent.: of unknown origin.
Things that I can give away:
Normally, bad service isn't enough to throw a company into the evil category, but when it is in an oligopoly, natural monopoly type of business, and the bad service is from treating different customers and different content differently... yes, Comcast, for their blatant violations of net neutrality, is evil.